About Sophia

Sophia 28

I'm looking for a room Message

About me

About me

Hey! I'm a friendly student in my final year looking for a welcoming flat in the Camden area to call home. I can easily get on with just about anybody and am open and laid back, but like to keep things tidy/clean at home. I love socialising and would be happiest getting close to my flatmates so we can enjoy nights in as much as trips to the pub, partying and exploring what London has to offer. Although I am quite a people person, I do respect others privacy and space, and enjoy reflecting on my own at times too. I love to travel, cook and read but am also into trying new things! Please don't hesitate to get in touch, it would be great to get to know some new people and find a lovely flat.

Maximum budget: £750/month

Ready to move in: Immediately

Looking for a room in

  • North London
  • Zone 1
  • Zone 2