About Laura

Laura 28

I'm looking for a room Message

About me

About me

I will be working and studying doing a degree apprenticeship in September. Its super important to me I get on well with my flat mates as I'll be brand new to London, ideally people who will tell me to stop watching bad TV and drag me out for drinks! I like going out and drinking, cooking, having a everybody - welcome living area where we encourage people to bring friends for us all to meet, and exploring new places. I have spent a year backpacking Australia and Asia so like to think I try new things and 'have chilled vibes' etc. I might even try and get fit with my new lifestyle so who knows, we could go for jogs and what-not together. I can't wait to suss out all the cool galleries, parks, pubs and clubs in London so need some flat mates who will force me to stop being boring and go and enjoy London!

Maximum budget: £700/month

Ready to move in: 01-09-2017

Looking for a room in

  • London, United Kingdom