About Rhys

Rhys 26

I'm looking for a room Message

About me

About me

Hey! I'm Rhys a full time student living in London. I'm studying photography at Ravensbourne (by the O2 Arena.) I would love to move in with some housemates who are really sociable and we can all have a laugh and chill out! I'm also not a bad cook so feeling extra tired one night? Dinners on me :) I identify as gay however I wouldn't say I fit the stereotype. I'm not introvert but I can sometimes keep myself to myself especially when the uni work piles up! I'm incredibly clean and respectful! I don't believe in rotas for anything as I'd like to imagine we'd share the tidying and other duties equally! Yeah thats about it really! Have a good day!!

Maximum budget: £500/month

Ready to move in: Immediately

Looking for a room in

  • London, United Kingdom