About Niall

Niall 25

I'm looking for a room Message

About me

About me

Hello! My names Niall, and I'm looking to move to London ASAP (Not fussy on areas). I have a limited budget of £600pcm but depending on the area/what you get for your money I will consider stretching this price. I'm easy to live with, clean, friendly and looking to live in an environment where I can bond with you and call you a friend and not just a housemate! I'm a performing arts graduate, into fashion/fashion design, and of course acting/performing. I'm not high maintenance at all but I respect a tidy housemate as much as the next person! Would love to hear from anyone as eager to move as I. Speak to you soon! :) <-- (A smiley face to show my fun side)

Maximum budget: £600/month

Ready to move in: Immediately

Looking for a room in

  • London, United Kingdom