About Katie

Katie 29

I'm looking for a room Message

About me

About me

Hey! I'm Katie and I am looking for a room in Manchester. I love to meet new people, see my mates at the pub, go to the gym, do yoga, but love some chill nights in too. I am looking for a tidy but fun flatmate who can hopefully also become a mate too. I work as a part time teacher and tutor (tutoring all online so will be teaching from my bedroom in the afternoons and evenings) so pretty busy during the week out in schools and tutoring in the evening. I am 28 years old and originally from the area. I am moving back after living away in various places. I am so excited to move home after living away for so long and hang out with my oldest friends again but also so excited for this new chapter, meeting new people and making new memories. I’m very tidy and like a nice environment and is very flat proud so would like to have a flatmate who would also have the same mindset.

Maximum budget: £650/month

Ready to move in: 02-02-2023