About Airidas

Airidas 42

I am looking to buddy up Message

About me

About me

Hi, my name is Airidas and I'm looking for a single room to rent from the middle or the end of October. I live in London seven years and for the last four years I have been living in Battersea area. I would prefer to share a house or flat with one or two more friendly people (preferably male and female, or two females). I would also like to live in a quiet and tidy place with non smokers. My budget is £650 a month including bills. If you are looking for a responsible and friendly person to share an apartment or house with, please let me know :)

Maximum budget: £650/month

Ready to move in: 01-10-2018

Looking for a room in

  • Battersea, London
  • Westbourne Grove, London, UK
  • Putney, London