About Zceibet

Zceibet 32

I'm looking for a room Message

About me

About me

We are a London based couple looking for another couple to rent with prefereably Angel area. Mate and I are both from Hungary and have been living in London for the past 3 years. Mate is studying a masters degree at LSE and I am finishing my BSc at UCL. We spend most weekdays studying and going to the gym, but we enjoy cooking a nice dinner and having a glass of wine. We are very tidy and like to keep our kitchen clean and neat. We enjoy art and sports on the weekends. We are out of town for about a month during Christmas and approximately 3 other weeks. Our ideal area is this: http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-to-rent/map.html?minBedrooms=2&maxBedrooms=2&sortType=2&minPrice=1250&viewType=LIST&channel=RENT&index=0&maxPrice=2000&radius=0.0&numberOfPropertiesPerPage=24&locationIdentifier=USERDEFINEDAREA%5E%7B%22id%22%3A+3662228%7D Our extended but still acceptable is here: http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-to-rent/find.html?locationIdentifier=USERDEFINEDAREA%5E%7B%22id%22%3A4150595%2C%22polylines%22%3A%22%7DpgyHj%60Sby%40lq%40iJxeAkN%7Ez%40cl%40l%7DGcv%40e%5C%5C%7BbDzl%40wqAkpCa%5E%7DmGdoC%7Bq%40naCqfB%7Cf%40x%5Bz%5Epx%40%22%7D&sortType=2&minPrice=2000&maxPrice=2500&savedSearchId=23188689&minBedrooms=2&maxBedrooms=2&onetime_alertSaved=7&fromUrl=&saveAsAlert=false&formAction=%2Fproperty-to-rent%2Fsaved-search-setup-email.html&searchFormURL=%2Fproperty-to-rent%2Ffind.html

Maximum budget: £1200/month

Ready to move in: 31-08-2017

Looking for a room in

  • London, United Kingdom