About Char.hardwick

Char.hardwick 29

I'm looking for a room Message

About me

About me

Hi I'm Char! I am 21 years old and a returning fourth year UCL student after studying abroad in the Netherlands for a year! I am keen to move back to London earliest late July/ August and Latest September. I am looking to move to either North London - Camden, Islington borough or Central London (Zone 1/2) - As long as the commute to UCL isn't more than 40 mins! I've lived in London for the past two years, and after two years of really great flat shares I'm keen to do the same for my return. I am super outgoing and love meeting new people. Travelling is my passion, and after taking a year out before uni, backpacking in my summers and studying abroad I am looking for like-minded people who are open-minded, easygoing and sociable! So I would like more of a home than a house and house mates who are down to chill together in communal areas, have house dinners, share a glass of wine but also give each other time to chill on their own. I also love cooking - I cook a mean banana bread, alfredo pasta, and sweet potato curry! In terms of cleanliness, I like my house to be clean and pretty tidy - just generally a nice environment to come back to after a long day in the library! But I am also pretty chill if there is a bit of mess every now and again because life sometimes gets in the way! My interests include exhibitions, gigs, travelling, cooking, music festivals, Netflix binges (in the winter months and when hungover) and brunch!

Maximum budget: £800/month

Ready to move in: 01-09-2017

Looking for a room in

  • London, United Kingdom