About Aaron

Aaron 39

I'm looking for a room Message

About me

About me

Hi! I'm Aaron. I'm 33, and have just moved from Australia to London for work for 12 months (I'm a doctor finishing my training). I'm looking for my new home for my time here. I'm looking for a base from which to go adventuring in London, somewhere to relax after said adventuring, and a place to have some people over for dinner every once in a while. I like park sits in Summer, cosy whiskey and tea in winter, and galleries or dancing all year round. If that suits, it would be great to meet you guys and maybe have a look at the place. Looking forward to it. Aaron

Maximum budget: £1050/month

Ready to move in: Immediately

Looking for a room in

  • Highbury
  • Bethnal Green
  • Dalston