About Kamil

Kamil 37

I'm looking for a room Message

About me

About me

Hi, My name is Kamil and I'm 31 years old. I'm a freelance sound designer but, as I don't get enough clients yet, I also have to work occasionally as an A/V tech and full time painter. I'm generally clean and always do some xtra work for home to make myself and my flatmates happy. I'm clean and I expect from my flatmates to also clean. I understand that it's London and we're all busy, I'm not perfect myself and leave sometimes a few dishes but I cannot tolerate filth! I would like to Live with a like minded people, who are not strangers to each other but at the same time respect that we need space. I love music, travelling, long and deep conversations, occasional drinks, exercising, walks in the park, cooking and a lot lot more... I hate people who are staring at their phones all day long ignoring you and their surroundings, so if you're an Instagram lunatic then sorry but we won't match ;)

Maximum budget: £750/month

Ready to move in: Immediately

Looking for a room in

  • Southfields
  • South Wimbledon
  • Wimbledon