About Julia

Julia 29

I'm looking for a room Message

About me

About me

Hey everyone, Some info about me so that you have an ideal of what you are getting I just moved to London, for my Masters (2 year half-time), and have an air bnb until the end of the month so I am looking ideally for something from the 1st onwards (kind of flexible around that date) until at least June or even until the summer of 2020. In the last 5 years I have lived in shared houses and always loved the experience, even the little hiccups included. I love cooking and having food and wine together but if that is not your jam I totally get that and will not force anything on anyone. I am not really a party person, more a fan of casual get together. As I mentioned I just moved here so I don’t really have a regular routine yet in regard to hobbies but in general I am a fan of volleyball, tennis and hiking on the sports side and culturally I am basically interested in everything! Well, if this sounds about wright to you guys I would love to hear from you! As my Uni hasn’t started yet I can basically show up when ever it suits you. Best wishes, Julia

Maximum budget: £650/month

Ready to move in: 01-10-2018

Looking for a room in

  • East London
  • Zone 1
  • Zone 2